Saturday, January 7, 2012

1 day. 9 hours. 55 minutes.

Thoughts running through my mind at the moment:

Long plane ride.
I'm excited.
I'm nervous.
My Spanish isn't good enough.
I want to dream in Spanish.
Que fantastico.
Need to finish packing.
Where will I be living, again?
Hey, I've got a cool roommate.
I'm going to be in Spain on Tuesday.
I'm going to leave this country for the very first time.
I'm going to be in Spain on Tuesday.
I have a passport.
That's pretty neat.
I have everything in the world to look forward to.
Life rocks.
I'm going to go spend 4 months in Europe and have the best time of my life.
I'm going to fall in love with traveling.
I'm going to ride on trains in Europe.
Kinda like Amanda Bynes in that one movie?
Meet a prince.
Wear pretty dresses.
Crap. I'm in school for the next 3 months.
Eh, whatever.
I'm going to be going to school at THIS place.

... Moral of the Story: LIFE. IS. GOOD. NBD.


  1. BAHHHHHH VERN!!!!! Soooo excited for you!!! Hahaha i laughed out loud when you wrote "taken". EVERYTHING WILL BE PERFECT! Have fun :)

  2. YEAHYA! So excited for you! It's going to be great. Can't wait to skype (on the same timezone :)) to see how you are doing!

  3. Yes!!! I hope it lives up to your expectations, except for the taken part!!! bahhahahha...NEVER SHARE A CAB WITH A STRANGE MAN!!!!
